Monday, January 16, 2012

I give up

Dear Mr. Pressfield:

You and other writers who have written writing advice imply a fledgling writer should create a special time to write every day.  It is important to set aside time every day to write.  And while I cannot argue with this logic, I also would like to point out that despite my best efforts, I am unable to appoint time regularly to writing.

Today is the perfect example.  While I had planned to spend most of Saturday afternoon writing, the AC units for my work's server room had a different idea.  During the cold snap, they froze and sent our over-heating servers into safety shutdown.  I spent eight hours at work on Saturday.  Sunday morning, I spent time ironing out any remaining issues left over from the network shut down.

Today, I rose and drank the appropriate amount of caffeine.  I completed the necessary housework.  I found myself in the right frame of mind and started writing.  And the AC unit froze up again.  I spent the afternoon on the phone in my front yard (where the best reception is) organizing a portable AC unit installation, arranging a technician to verify the servers state, and reporting to my superiors.  By the time I returned to my laptop, I was flustered that the time I had cultivated was gone.

I worked anyway - in between, talking to my husband and son, additional texts and emails from work, and laundry.  I have discovered that is the only way to finish this novel - and I want to finish this novel.  While I may always seek the high holy ground of blocks of uninterrupted, perfect writing time, I will write in the trenches around every interruption to finish this damn thing.

I wish someone mentioned that may be an option.  I wish I knew someone published who wrote like this.
