Thursday, July 9, 2015

No longer my home

I am abandoning this poor, unloved blog for a new one.
Please visit me there.  Thank you for checking in!

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Writing Time: 8:34 pm until 8:58 pm
Word Count: 240 words
Feeling:  Late start to hard work day, hubby working, laundry and dishes.  However, it went very smooth.  Now, on to homework.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Writing Time: 7:36 pm until 8:10 pm
Word Count: 315 words
Feeling: I finished Chapter 3 yesterday (for which I forgot to post a word count). Tonight, I started Chapter 4. My friend, L, offered to read my chapters, though she wasn't sure she could give feedback. Give my prior behavior, I don't blame her. I can be a horrible monster, so I told her it wasn't necessary. I would love to have her feedback, but I'd rather keep what little friendship we've rekindled.