Well, I've started a new book on writing. It was recommended by Felicia Day on her video blog. She seemed very excited about it. Since she's a successful writer (I say), I figured it wouldn't hurt to take a look at the books she recommended.
Right now, I'm reading Anne Lamott's Bird by Bird (the link goes to Amazon). I'm only twenty pages in, though the introduction was thirty-one pages. So far, I like it. She seems to be as neurotic as I am about writing - and claims that all writers are! She hasn't read Ray Bradbury's Zen In The Art Of Writing.
It's a good book as well. However, don't read it expecting to feel better about yourself if you're a neurotic writer.
Anyway, I like how she's framing the book though I am a little annoyed. Since she teaches, she talks about how the students in her class seem more focused on finding an agent or submitting to a producer than they are in writing. Frustrating to be sure. Plus, I realize she isn't writing to me, someone who has been writing all their lives and their long lives leave them well away from college age. She wants to make sure the young whipper-snappers stay focused on what's important: writing and creating and improving your skills.
However, I would have liked if she acknowledged that all writers write to communicate. So, asking about agents, publishing, etc. is still part of learning how to right. Sure, learn to write first - but what's the point if no one is going to read it?
Also, I am throwing out the advice of "set a time and stick to it", i.e., when it comes to writing. I can't. My life doesn't flow that way and my guilt won't let me make it. I am learning to write at work and write at home in the kitchen and in my writing office and in bed and in the bath if need be. Sure a set time to sit in front of a blank screen sounds ideal - but ideal never flies straight or true when up against real life.
Anyway, that is as far as I have gotten. I'll keep you posted.
Oh, and I'm back in writers' group. I went to my second meeting last weekend. It went well.
At work? That's cool. Do you have a quiet place where you can concentrate?
ReplyDeleteI'd love to hear more about the writer's group! Glad it's going well, I'm sure those can be very helpful.